
Volcano Geodesy (joint with IAVCEI)

Chair: Susanna Ebmeier (University of Leeds, England)

Vice-Chair: Matthew Head (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA)


Objectives of SC 3.2 include:
  • foster communication within the volcano geodesy community, particularly between senior and early-career researchers, between scientists from different countries, and between volcano observatories;
  • support coordinated geodetic response to volcanic unrest and eruptions around the world, including the acquisition of, and access to, satellite data through collaboration with GEO, CEOS and individual members;
  • encourage high-level geodetic capability at the world's volcanoes through the sharing of best practices; development, testing, and distribution of open-source analysis and modelling tools; standardization of techniques for the measurement and interpretation of geodetic changes; exploitation of new technologies; and capacity-building activities;
  • support the establishment and maintenance of databases for volcano geodetic observations, as well as the interoperability between these and other sources of geological, geochemical, and geophysical data related to volcanoes;
  • promote volcano geodesy as a tool with broad implications and diverse applications in research, monitoring, and crisis response by serving as a bridge between geodesy and other branches of volcanology; connecting geodesists within the academic community, volcano observatories, space agencies, industry, government institutions, and other organizations; and advocating for the commitment of appropriate resources;
  • encourage and enable collaborations between geodesy and other disciplines, given that interdisciplinary approaches to volcano research and hazards assessment offer the best prospects for improving overall understanding of volcanic processes and their impacts;
  • implementation and dissemination of new standard approaches, protocols and best practices;
  • promotion of common initiatives and projects with other IAG and IAVCEI entities.

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