


SC 3.1: Earth Tides and Geodynamics
Chair: Séverine Rosat (Univ. Strasbourg, France)

SC 3.2: Volcano Geodesy (joint with IAVCEI)
Chair: Susanna Ebmeier (University of Leeds, United Kingdom)

SC 3.3: Earth Rotation and Geophysical Fluids
Chair: Sigrid Böhm (TU Wien, Austria)

SC 3.4: Cryospheric Deformation (joint with IACS)
IAG Co-Chair: Karen Simon (Canadian Geodetic Survey, Ottawa, Canada)
IACS Co-Chair: Matthias Willen (TU Dresden, Germany)

SC 3.4: Seismogeodesy (joint with IASPEI)
Chair:  Jean-Mathieu Nocquet (Université Côte D’Azur, IRD, CNRS, OCA & Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France)

Working Groups

WG 3.1: Hydrologic signature in geodetic observations
Chair: Carla Braitenberg (University of Trieste, Italy)

Joint Study Groups

JSG 3.1: Model representation and geodetic signature of solid-Earth rheology in surface loading problems (joint with IAG Commissions 1 and 2)
Chair: Lambert Caron (JPL, Pasadena, USA)

Joint Working Groups

JWG 3.1: Consistent improvement of the Earth’s rotation theory (joint with IAU)
Chair: José M. Ferrándiz (University of Alicante, Spain)

Other VIPs:

Representative of "International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS)": Tonie van Dam (University of Utah, USA)

Representative of "International Gravity Field Service (IGFS)": Pavel Novak (University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic)

Representative of "International Geodynamics and Earth Tide Service (IGETS)": Ezequiel Antokoletz (BKG Leipzig, Germany)

Representative of "International Astronomical Union (IAU)": Alberto Escapa (University of León, Spain)

Representative of "Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS)": Laura Sánchez (TU Munich, Germany)

Representative of "Study of Earth's Deep Interior (SEDI)": Jérémy Rekier (Royal Observatory of Belgium, Belgium)

Member-at-Large: Chikondi Chisenga (Malawi University of Science and Technology, Malawi)

Member-at-Large: Laura Fernández (National University of La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Early-career scientists representative: Anna Riddell (Geoscience Australia, Australia)

IAG Events